Thanks to DermPro – I am not goging to make the same mistake

Thanks to DermPro – I am not goging to make the same mistake

My father died from melanoma. I accept as true with if it wasn’t for a smartphone app, his fate might have been the same. I downloaded the SkinVision app after hearing about it at the radio. I used it to check some of suspicious-searching moles and all got here again clear. However, toward the end of closing year, my wife recommended me to scan a increase that had stumble upon my forearm. It failed to seem like a melanoma. It looked extra like a pimple. It turned into white and pink rather than a dark color. But when I took a photo of the lump the use of the app it came lower back as excessive risk and instructed suggest me to look my physician.

 I did not get around to doing anything approximately till I was given a reminder email from Dermpro more than one weeks later asking if I had been to see a medical doctor yet. It was that electronic mail that brought about me to make an appointment. The medical doctor notion it was viral and gave me an ointment to use for 2 weeks. Eight weeks later not anything had modified so I went returned to the medical doctor. This time I was advised that it became an easily treatable Basal Cell Carcinoma and a biopsy was suggested. I asked them to get rid of the whole thing.

A few days later, just before Christmas, I was given a call to inform that the lump changed into in fact melanoma. From then it was all going. By December 27 I was in Auckland for greater tests and an operation to get rid of extra tissue around and the nearby lymph nodes. The tissue removed showed no signs and symptoms of cancer, but the scare left me on excessive alert. Now I watch it like a hawk and check everything. The app had “very likely” saved my life. I think I would not have paid much interest to it. It prices no longer much to apply the program, but it changed into a small rate to pay.

Michał Parzuchowski